Michael Sarnicki • Paris Café, 2009

Todd Weinstein • Lovers In The Louvre, Paris, 1983



Michael Sarnacki was born in Wyandotte, Michigan. He began his professional career in 1974 as a medical photographer. Now approaching the fifty-year mark as a photographer, he remains active with both his professional and personal work.  Michael has worked on book projects in both Sri Lanka and Poland, and on a variety of assignments across the United States. He has completed more than ten thousand professional assignments. Michael’s photographs are in many private and public collections. He has always been an active member in the community of artists and photographers.


Todd and I have been close friends for more than thirty years. His dedication and drive as a photographer, has always been an inspiration and an influence in my work. Together we have lived through the golden age of photography, learning from, and enjoying the great images and important photo essays in Life, Look and Aperture magazines. Over the years we were also inspired by wonderful photography books produced by a countless number of great photographers. If pressed to name just a few who influenced me, I would include Bresson, Weston, Adams, Smith, Michals, Meyerowitz, Stettner, Winogrand, Gowin, Newman, and of course Kertész.

***Photo Portraits by Trista Weddle


Todd Weinstein/Nathan Farb


Todd Weinstein/Jim Salzano