Mel Adelglass • Statue of Liberty, New York, NY, 1986

 Todd Weinstein • Liberty Abstract, London, England, 2022


Mel Adelglass bio:

I was born In the Bronx NY, and moved to Queens NY when I was 15 years old.

My Dad shot  a 16mm film of my uncles boxing on the rooftop on the lower East Side in Manhattan.

In the late 40s and early 50s we spent summers in Sullivan County NY, an area known as the “Borscht Belt.”

My Uncle Persh was always shooting pictures with his folding Kodak camera.

In my high school library I found Bernice Abbott’s book on photography. It included photographs of Eugene Atget, Paul Stand, Ansel Adams and  Walker Evans.

I was particularly interested in Atget and  Evans.  Hopefully their work has an important influence on me.

Photo by Todd Weinstein


Todd Weinstein/John Mangé


Todd Weinstein/Larry Siegel