Joel Dzodin • Alienation, Machane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem, 2007

Todd Weinstein • Child in Rubins’ House, Antwerp, 1983


Joel Steven Dzodin

Place and Date of birth: Detroit, Michigan, USA / 10 November 1950

Place of Residence: Holon, Israe

A few details about me:

I took my first photographs using a Kodak Brownie box-camera in 1958 and by age 13, I was home processing my own films and prints. Starting in the early 1990s, my work expanded to include digital imaging, using both an early black and white Canon scanner and a sub-one megapixel Kodak DC50 camera. Most of my professional work and experience has been in archaeology, including documenting ancient and historic sites and many of my large-format historic preservation images are on file at the Library of Congress.

I am a photographic generalist and enjoy the challenge of capturing anything that catches my eye. This can range from macro photographic portraits of ants to the fractal-like patterns seen in the bottom of my dried out coffee cup. I tend to focus on everyday things that usually escape notice but which constitute an unseen world. I’ve also photographed a few important moments in history, such as Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s March and encampment in Washington (1968) and the massive American Vietnam protests of the early 1970s. More recently, for the NGO PeacePlayers International-Middle East I photographed Arab and Jewish youth who play Basketball together as a means of changing perceptions and getting to know one another as people and friends. Hopefully to build a better future.

Contact Information:
Facebook: Joel Dzodin
Instagram: eingedi71



Todd Weinstein/Dave Griffith


Todd Weinstein/Dwight Carter